Stuck at home is the perfect time to be creative. You are forced to find things to do to fight boredom. We can only clean and reorganize so much.
Taking images of life in quarantine is a great way to be creative and document the experience. Twenty years from now what a good laugh we will have looking back on these events.
I was able to learn new techniques in Photoshop, for instance. Normally I would be behind the camera. The quarantine gave me more time behind the computer.
As a result, I was about to learn a new technique. One technique that I learned was to clone. I took multiple pictures of the boys in various areas in the kitchen and merged them into one single photo. I documented what life was like in a single image.
It turned out to be a fun project for the day. The boys were thrilled with the final photo.
Soap Bubbles
Another fun project that the kids were able to help with was photographing soap bubbles. The bubbles look like planets from outer space. The bubbles took on different colors and shapes. The soap bubbles only last a couple of seconds so we had to be quick. The results were beautiful.